Prayers for Ian

Pierre and I went to visit Ian in Jackson, Miss. last weekend! He is doing much better, especially physically and mentally he is making progress as well but his brain was seriously injured so that may take a little time…but he is out of the coma and he can talk and he seemed to know us when we went but his mom said he is like back in high school in his own mind right now.
He has been moved to a rehabilitation center since Monday because he still can’t really walk but his mom said the doctors won’t tell her anything until his 1st week of therapy is finished, so I guess she’ll know more by this Monday. She is very encouraged and grateful for all the prayers coming from AMCC members. Thanks to everyone who has been and is praying because his doctors are calling his recovery a miracle! They say they didn’t think he was going to make it the first 72 hours he was there and now he is the poster kid for a miraculous comeback. The prayers of the saints always move a merciful God!
Love and blessings, Shaun xoxoxoxo


Hey Fawn, Ian is not much better, he’s had to have 3 surgeries in the past 24 hrs. and he’s still in a coma and on a ventilator…they are trying to relieve the pressure on his brain and at this point they’ve induced an even deeper coma because every last one of his ribs was broken and they don’t want him to move even a muscle so no shards pierce his lungs or heart…obviously he’s still listed in critical condition and the docs say the next 48hrs will tell the tale…  We really need the prayers of our prayer warriors – a Christmas miracle… I’ll keep you posted as I myself get updates. God bless
Shaun Seya


My family is in need of prayer: my mother(Ms. Sherri)’s nephew and my cousin, Ian McLinn, was in a terrible head-on collision today in Jackson, Mississippi while traveling over to Houston for the holidays. He was a passenger and his friend was driving. He is in critical condition in a coma in a hospital there with severe injuries and is on a ventilator. My aunt, who has been to church with us here several times, flew there this evening to be with him, of course…please get everyone praying for him, he is just 23 and he is a US Marine.
Thanks and God bless.
Love, Shaun Seya

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  1. Hey Fawn, Ian is not much better, he’s had to have 3 surgeries in the past 24 hrs. and he’s still in a coma and on a ventilator…they are trying to relieve the pressure on his brain and at this point they’ve induced an even deeper coma because every last one of his ribs was broken and they don’t want him to move even a muscle so no shards pierce his lungs or heart…obviously he’s still listed in critical condition and the docs say the next 48hrs will tell the tale… We really need the prayers of our prayer warriors – a Christmas miracle… I’ll keep you posted as I myself get updates. God bless
    Shaun Seya

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