Brittany Black was taken to North Fulton Hospital’s emergency room on Saturday for chest pains. They did blood work and found that her triponin levels were abnormally high so, they performed a battery of tests. They still could not determine why she was having chest pains and performed a heart catherization. They found no blockages or damage to her heart and determined that she had inflammation around her heart likely caused by a viral infection. She is doing much better and was released from the hospital on Dec. 24th. We would like to thank you all for your prayers and support. God came through as always and we are forever grateful.
Love Joe & Fawn Black
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Brittany is being transferred to Emory John’s Creek hospital this morning for heart cath. Please cont. to pray…
Praying for Brittany Black and family. Much love to you all.
Natalie Harrold
BRITTANY IS OK… at least we know it’s not her heart causing the complications. Thank u so much for ur love family
My love and prayers are sent to my Atlanta family. Please keep me informed.
Love you and thank you church family for your continued support of my family.
Jeanette Black