Prayers for Gary Brown

From Rena Brown
To All Who are Concerned,

My husband, Gary Brown is right now being admitted to Kennestone Hospital for a Lower Outer Side Right Foot Diabetic Ulcer.
Please pray for him and our family as we approach his 50th birthday tomorrow. His spirits are a bit low as we have waited more than 10 hours for a room and discovered that he was a staffing/physician oversight.
Encouragements of sorts would really lift his spirits, I’m sure but most importantly, please keep us in your prayers.
Thanks in advance. And while we probably won’t be at the huddle meeting on Saturday, we have contributions and will be in touch about getting them to the appropriate person(s).

God Bless You All,
Rena Brown

Kennestone Hospital: 770-793-5000
Check for Hospital Information for Room#

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