Prayer Chain for Sally Murray Clark & Others

The Compassionate Care Team would like everyone who views this posting to go to the “prayer chain” link at the top right corner and sign up for a prayer slot to participate in Prayer Chains for Sally Murray Clark and “Others”. When signing up, please select the dates and time slots you desire. You will then be prompted to enter your name and email address so that you can be sent a confirmation with your prayer time.

Sally has been diagnosed with inoperable cancer that is attached to her liver. The doctor gave her a year to live but Sally exclaimed, “that her God is bigger than that!”

The Compassionate Care Team held a Prayer/Potluck Brunch at Sally’s house February 22nd for the team and all who were interested in attending. Glory to God for the victorious power Father brings in response to all collective prayers for His names sake!

For those who were unable to attend, we all continue to take part in unity to pray for our sister and ultimately glorifying God.

The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective. (James 5:16b)