[8.3.22] Good news from Miss Norma! After two days of testing the cardiologist concluded that Niecey’s heart is not the problem… it is her lungs. He doesn’t believe her condition is life threatening, but is sending her to a lung specialist to figure out what is going on. Miss Norma is beyond relieved and is especially thankful for everyone’s prayers. Although Niecey is still in rough shape, she is one step closer to getting the right diagnosis and help and she is alive!
Again, Miss Norma wants to thank everyone who prayed, fasted, and interceded, and she would like to ask that we continue to pray that Niecey’s lungs improve.
Thank you!
[8.2.22] Niecey made it through the weekend but is still struggling with breathing and chest pains. Her heart is surrounded by fluid, and the meds the doctor gave her to take over the weekend did not help. She has had challenges getting treatment, in part, because of her insurance company. She should have been admitted into the hospital over the weekend, but the company would not provide coverage. Her insurance did approve some outpatient testing for yesterday and today, and she is waiting for results. We are praying that 1.) the medical experts will come up with a viable treatment plan and conduct any procedures that will help save her life, and 2.) that the insurance company will cooperate. The good news is her brother Dino made it in town Sunday morning, so the family is together giving Niecey support.
[7.29.22] Please pray for Miss Norma’s daughter Niecey. She is in urgent need of a surgery, which has been scheduled for three days from now. However doctors have shared that she may not make it through the weekend. Please pray for: 1.) Niecey’s healing, specifically that she will make it through the weekend and be able to have the surgery. 2.) Dino to be able to travel to Atlanta to be with the family. and 3.) Miss Norma’s strength, and for Niecey’s children. Thank you!
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GM Amen that is great news will continue to keep her in prayer