1. Elder Lightburn

    Heavenly Father, we come in prayer by for holy name Jehovah Rapha. We pray for Mark Crawley, that he would not experience any further complications and recovery from the stroke. We pray for strength and comfort for him, Tina, and their family. In Jesus name, Amen.

  2. Anisiha Nyarotho

    Great God – in Jesus name, please miraculously heal Mark for his sake, and the sake of his family, like none before. Amen

  3. Kyra

    Sharing update from Tina about her husband, Mark Crawley: “Thanks so much…he is at home discharged from the hospital and feeling much better …he has some recovery ahead so your prayers are so appreciated and God listened to each one!”

    (Thank you, all, for your continued prayers. ❤️-Kyra)

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